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How to Make Mobile App Design Project: Example of How to Write Brief with Detailed Information


Design plays a key role in the success of mobile applications, being an essential part of their functionality and attractiveness to users. In the modern world, where users have increasingly higher demands for convenience and aesthetics, quality design becomes a necessity rather than just an option. It not only makes the application appealing to users but also ensures its usability efficiency.

The main task of mobile application design is to create a unique user experience that not only meets the needs and expectations of users but also adds additional value. It is important to consider that design should not only be beautiful but also functional, intuitive, and adapted to various devices and usage contexts.

In the context of mobile applications, understanding various design concepts plays a crucial role in creating attractive and functional products. One of such key concepts is Material Design, developed by Google, which emphasizes the realism and depth of interface elements, ensuring a unified style and consistency in user interaction with applications.

Human Interface Guidelines, developed by Apple, are a set of recommendations and standards aimed at providing intuitive and consistent user experiences with iOS devices, including mobile applications. These guidelines take into account user habits and expectations, contributing to the creation of convenient and intuitive interfaces.

Skeuomorphic Design is a concept based on the imitation of real objects and textures in digital design. This approach gives the application a sense of familiarity and convenience, using familiar elements from the real world to enhance user satisfaction with the application.

On the contrary, Flat Design distinguishes itself from Skeuomorphic Design with its minimalism and absence of realistic effects. Instead, it focuses on the cleanliness, simplicity, and brightness of interface elements, providing a modern and stylish appearance for the application.

Studying and applying these design concepts enables developers to create mobile applications that are not only functional but also aesthetic, contributing to increased user satisfaction and overall product success.

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Project Brief Example for Mobile App Design

Section Description
Project Title: [Title of your application]
Project Description: [Brief description of your application, its goals, and main functionality]
Target Audience: [Describe your target audience: age groups, interests, behavioral characteristics, etc.]
Main Goals and Objectives: [List the main goals you want to achieve with the application design]
[Detail specific tasks the application design should address]
Main Functional Requirements: [Specify the main functions that must be implemented in the application]
[Describe the main user workflows with the application]
[Include important details, such as integrations with other services or third-party APIs]
Design Requirements: [Specify the main design parameters, such as color palette, style, typography, etc.]
[Describe the user interface features: important screens, controls, animations, etc.]
[Specify requirements for adaptive design: how the application should look on different devices and screen resolutions]
Budget: [Specify the total project budget or maximum limits for application design]
Development Timeline: From [start date] to [end date].
Additional Comments: [Any additional information or project features that need to be considered]

Understanding the User

User research plays a crucial role in the mobile application design process as it allows developers to gain deeper insights into the needs, preferences, and behaviors of end users. This enables the creation of applications that not only meet user expectations but also exceed them.

One of the important tasks of user research is identifying the core needs and problems users encounter in their daily lives and determining how a mobile application can assist them in addressing them. This allows focusing on developing functionality and interfaces that are truly useful and meaningful to the target audience.

There are numerous techniques and methods of user research to gather data on users and their needs, including interviews, observation, surveys, analysis of user behavior in the application, and many others. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, and their combination can provide a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the application's audience.

It is also important to consider the context of application usage, the characteristics of the target audience, and trends in user behavior to create a maximally satisfactory and in-demand product.

For a deeper understanding of the needs and characteristics of the target audience of a mobile application, the method of creating User Personas is often used. User Personas are abstract characters that represent different segments of application users. Creating User Personas allows designers and developers to have a clearer understanding of who will be using the application, what their needs, goals, and limitations are.

Each User Persona typically includes the following characteristics:

  • Demographic information: age, gender, education, income, etc.
  • Psychographic data: interests, preferences, goals, fears, and motivations.
  • Technical skills and level of experience in using mobile applications.
  • Behavioral characteristics in the context of application usage.

Creating User Personas enables the development team to better understand how different user groups will interact with the application, which features will be most useful to them, and what potential problems they may encounter during usage. This helps create a more efficient and user-adapted product.

UX/UI Design

In the world of mobile applications, where competition is becoming increasingly fierce, ensuring a high level of user experience is a priority for developers and designers. Two key terms that play an important role in achieving this goal are UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience).

UI is responsible for creating the visual appearance of the application, including its look, interactive elements, and information layout. It is how the application looks and how users interact with its interface. While UX concerns the entire user experience, including visual design, usability, navigation process, and interaction with the application.

To ensure a high level of UX, it is important not only to create an attractive and intuitive interface but also to fully understand the needs and expectations of users. Various tools and methodologies are used for this purpose, such as User Research, User Journey Map, User Flow, and others.

User Research is the process of gathering and analyzing information about users, their preferences, behaviors, and needs. This helps understand who the target audience of the application is and which features will be most in demand.

User Journey Map is a visual representation of the user's path through the application from start to finish. It helps identify key moments of user interaction with the application, identify potential problem areas, and determine areas for improving the user experience.

User Flow is the sequence of steps that the user takes when interacting with the application to achieve their goals. This helps developers and designers understand how users will navigate through the application and optimize the navigation process for usability.

The combined use of these tools and methods allows creating mobile applications with a high level of usability and user satisfaction, which is a key factor in their successful adoption in the market.

Visual Design

Visual design plays a crucial role in creating mobile applications, providing an attractive and memorable appearance that grabs users' attention and enhances their engagement. It is not just decoration but an important element that forms the initial impression of the application and defines its overall aesthetics.

The role of visual design in creating an attractive and memorable appearance of the application includes:

  • Creating a unique and recognizable style that sets the application apart from competitors and helps establish its brand identity.
  • Maintaining consistency between the visual appearance of the application and its theme or purpose, so that users can easily understand what the application is about.
  • Building an emotional connection with the user through visual elements such as colors, textures, illustrations, etc., to evoke positive emotions and associations.
  • Optimizing the user experience by creating a clear and easily understandable interface that helps users navigate and interact with the application effortlessly.

Visual design elements that play an important role in shaping the application's appearance include:

  • Color palette: choosing colors that create the desired mood and maintain a consistent style throughout the application.
  • Fonts: using appropriate fonts to ensure text readability and consistency with the overall style.
  • Icons: creating unique and recognizable icons that help users quickly identify functions and actions in the application.
  • Layouts: organizing information on the screen for usability and visual appeal.

In conclusion, visual design is an integral part of creating a successful mobile application that attracts, retains, and impresses users with its appearance and functionality.

Interactivity and Animation

Interactivity and animation play an integral role in creating a satisfying user experience in mobile applications, enriching users' interaction with the app and making it more appealing and memorable.

Designing interactive elements to enhance user experience:

Interactive elements such as button presses, swipes, gestures, and animations contribute to creating a more convenient and intuitive user interface. For example, animation transitions between screens can make interaction with the app more enjoyable and understandable for users.

The role of animation in increasing engagement and attractiveness of the app:

Animation helps attract users' attention, emphasize important interface elements, and improve understanding of what is happening. It can be used to create an emotional connection with the user, adding character and personality to the app.

Modern mobile applications increasingly use interactivity and animation to enhance the user experience. Proper use of these elements can significantly improve the user's impression of the app and contribute to its successful adoption in the market.

Interface prototyping is an important stage in the mobile app development process, allowing designers and developers to create and test interactive app models before its actual implementation.

There are several programs that help developers create interface animations for mobile applications. Here are a few of them:

  1. Adobe XD: This is a powerful tool for designing user interfaces, which also provides capabilities for creating interface animations. Adobe XD allows you to create transitions between screens, animate interface elements, and preview animations in real-time.
  2. Figma: This is an online tool for interface design, which also supports animation creation. Figma provides a wide range of tools for creating animations, as well as the ability to collaborate on projects with other team members.
  3. Principle: This is an application specializing in creating interface animations for mobile applications. It offers an intuitive interface and a variety of features to create complex animations with minimal effort.

These programs provide mobile app developers with the necessary tools to create high-quality and attractive interface animations that will help improve the user experience and make the app more appealing to users.

Adaptive Design

Adaptive design is an approach to creating mobile applications that allows them to automatically adapt to various screen sizes and devices while preserving their functionality and aesthetics. Here are several advantages and features of adaptive design for mobile applications:

  • Universality: Adaptive design ensures consistent quality of user experience regardless of the device on which the application is launched. This means that users can access the application from any device and experience an equally convenient and intuitive interface.
  • Better accessibility: Adaptive design makes the application available to a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. This provides a broader audience reach and enhances user experience.
  • Improved SEO optimization: Adaptive design contributes to improved SEO performance as the web page will have one URL and one set of content for all devices. This simplifies the process of indexing pages by search engines and increases their visibility in search results.
  • Time and resource savings: Creating a single adaptive version of the application typically requires less time and resources than developing separate versions for different devices. This allows saving money and speeding up the development process.

Methods for creating applications adapted to various devices and screen resolutions include:

  1. Using media queries: This CSS technique allows adapting styles and layouts depending on the screen size of the device.
  2. Using hybrid applications: These are applications that use web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) but are packaged in a native application shell for each platform.
  3. Development using adaptive design frameworks: There are various frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, which provide sets of tools and components for creating adaptive interfaces with minimal effort.

By using these methods and technologies, developers can create applications that seamlessly work on different devices and screens, providing a high level of user experience.

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When forming a budget for mobile app development, it is necessary to consider the choice between Agile and Waterfall methodologies, as this can significantly affect the cost estimation process and budget planning.

Waterfall methodology:

  • The budget is typically based on a detailed work plan that defines each stage of app development.
  • Costs are estimated at each stage: analysis, design, development, testing, and deployment. Stages are executed sequentially, allowing the budget to be determined in advance for the entire development process.
  • Changes in requirements may lead to additional costs and project timeline extensions since changes are difficult to implement at later stages.

Agile methodology:

  • The budget may be less precisely defined at the beginning of the project due to the iterative nature of development.
  • Typically, the budget is formed based on calculating the cost of each iteration or sprint, considering known requirements and the amount of work in the initial stages of the project.
  • The budget may include a contingency for unexpected expenses and changes in requirements, as Agile allows for more flexible responses to changes and adjustments to plans during development.

The combination of Agile and Waterfall methodologies (Agile Waterfall) allows for initially forming the budget based on Waterfall for the initial planning and analysis phase, and then revising and adjusting it at each sprint or iteration in the Agile development process. This helps to more accurately adapt the budget to changing requirements and project conditions while maintaining control over expenses.

Forming a budget for mobile app design development is an important stage of the process that helps determine design expenses and ensure efficient resource utilization. Here are some key aspects to consider when forming a budget for app design development:

  1. Scope of Work Definition: First, determine the specific design tasks to be performed. This may include creating screen layouts, developing visual styles and interface elements, animations, etc. The more detailed the design requirements, the more accurately the budget can be estimated.
  2. Cost of Services: After defining the scope of work, estimate the cost of designer or design team services. This may depend on experience level, reputation, specialization, and regional differences. It's important to choose a designer or team whose services align with your needs and budget.
  3. Time Consideration: Estimating the time required for work completion is also important when forming the budget. Note that different design stages may take different amounts of time, and allow for time buffers for possible delays or changes during work.
  4. Additional Expenses: Additional expenses may arise during the design process, such as licensing fees for software usage, resources for testing, as well as communication and administrative expenses. Make sure to account for all possible expenses when forming the budget.
  5. Contingency Reserve: It's important to allocate a small contingency fund for unexpected expenses or changes during development. This helps avoid funding issues in case unforeseen situations arise.
  6. Budget Documentation: After carefully analyzing all factors, document the budget determined for app design development. This will help better control expenses and ensure transparency in project financial planning.

Forming a budget for app design development requires careful analysis and planning, but a well-crafted budget will help ensure successful project execution and achievement of goals.


In conclusion, the success of a mobile application heavily relies on its design, which not only enhances its functionality but also attracts and retains users. By understanding the various design concepts such as Material Design, Human Interface Guidelines, Skeuomorphic Design, and Flat Design, developers can create applications that are both visually appealing and user-friendly.

Furthermore, a comprehensive project brief serves as a roadmap for mobile app design, outlining project goals, target audience, functional requirements, design specifications, budget, and timeline. This document ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and provides a clear direction for the design process.

User research is another crucial aspect of mobile app design, allowing developers to gain insights into user needs and preferences. Techniques such as creating User Personas help in understanding the diverse needs of the target audience and designing an application that caters to their requirements.

When it comes to UX/UI design, prioritizing usability and user satisfaction is key. Tools like User Journey Maps and User Flows help in optimizing the user experience and creating intuitive interfaces that guide users seamlessly through the application.

Visual design plays a pivotal role in capturing users' attention and creating a memorable brand identity. Elements such as color palette, fonts, icons, and layouts contribute to the overall aesthetics of the application and evoke positive emotions in users.

Moreover, interactivity and animation enhance user engagement and make the application more interactive and enjoyable to use. Prototyping tools like Adobe XD, Figma, and Principle enable developers to create dynamic interface animations that improve the overall user experience.

Adaptive design ensures that the application is accessible across various devices and screen sizes, providing a consistent user experience regardless of the platform used. By utilizing techniques like media queries and adaptive design frameworks, developers can create applications that adapt seamlessly to different devices.

Finally, when forming a budget for mobile app design, it's essential to consider factors such as project methodology, scope of work, cost of services, time estimation, additional expenses, and contingency reserves. A well-defined budget ensures efficient resource utilization and successful project execution.

In essence, mobile app design is a multidimensional process that requires careful planning, creativity, and attention to detail. By following best practices and leveraging the latest design trends and technologies, developers can create mobile applications that stand out in the crowded app market and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Vincent Xia

Web designer

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