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How to Make Marketing Project: Example of Writing Project Brief with Detailed Information

Types of Marketing

Main types of market coverage in marketing include mass, target, and differentiated approaches.

Mass marketing targets a broad audience without differentiation, often used when selling mass-produced goods. Target marketing focuses on a specific group of consumers with common characteristics such as age, gender, interests, etc. Differentiated marketing involves a combination of both approaches, where a company targets both a broad audience and specific segments.

Considering geography, marketing can be divided into global, export, territorial, and placed-based marketing. Global marketing covers the international market and targets consumers in different countries. Export marketing focuses on selling goods and services beyond the national market. Territorial marketing targets specific geographic zones or regions. Placed-based marketing, or local marketing, emphasizes local communities and markets.

In terms of application, several types of marketing can be distinguished: consumer, industrial, investment, innovation, and service marketing. Consumer marketing targets the end consumer and the sale of goods and services for personal consumption. Industrial marketing is related to the sale of goods and services for use in production processes. Investment marketing aims to attract investments in companies or projects. Innovation marketing involves the introduction of new ideas and technologies to the market. Service marketing encompasses the promotion and sale of various types of services, from financial to consulting.

Thus, these various types of marketing represent a wide range of strategies and tactics that companies can use to achieve their goals in different sectors and markets.

Marketing Brief Example

This template provides a structured format for creating a marketing brief. It includes sections for essential project details such as project name, client information, and date, as well as comprehensive sections for outlining company overview, goals and objectives, target audience, budget, mandatories, deliverables, timeline, success measurement, next steps, and appendix. This template can be customized by filling in the placeholders with specific details relevant to your marketing project.

Section Description
Project Name: [Insert Project Name Here]
Client: [Insert Client Name Here]
Date: [Insert Date Here]
1. Company or Client Overview
  • Briefly describe the client's company, industry, and history.
  • Include their mission statement and core values.
  • Highlight any unique selling propositions (USPs) or market differentiators.
  • Mention any relevant brand guidelines, including logos, colors, fonts, and tone of voice.
2. Goals and Objectives
  • Define the target market for the marketing campaign (demographics, psychographics, behavior).
  • Clearly state the overall goals of the campaign (e.g., increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive sales).
  • Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives for each goal.
3. Target Audience
  • Provide a detailed profile of the target audience, including:
  • Demographics (age, gender, income, location)
  • Psychographics (attitudes, values, interests)
  • Behavior (buying habits, decision-making process)
  • Pain points (challenges they face)
  • Communication preferences (channels they use)
  • Identify key decision-makers within the target audience.
4. Budget
  • Specify the total budget allocated for the marketing campaign.
  • Outline how the budget will be allocated across different channels (e.g., advertising, social media, content marketing).
  • Consider including cost-per-acquisition (CPA) and return on investment (ROI) goals.
5. Mandatories List any specific requirements or limitations that must be adhered to. This could include branding guidelines, legal restrictions, technical specifications, budget constraints, and project timelines.
6. Deliverables
  • Clearly outline the expected deliverables of the marketing campaign.
  • This might include specific content formats (e.g., blog posts, social media graphics), campaign reports, or performance metrics.
7. Timeline Establish a clear timeline for the project, including key milestones and deadlines.
8. Success Measurement
  • Define how the success of the campaign will be measured.
  • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the campaign's objectives (e.g., website traffic, lead generation, sales conversion).
9. Next Steps Briefly outline the next steps after the marketing brief is approved. This could involve scheduling planning meetings, assigning tasks, or initiating research.
10. Appendix Include any additional information relevant to the project, such as competitor analysis, market research data, or existing brand assets.

Company or Client Overview

The company or client overview is a critical component of a project brief for a marketing project. This section provides a brief summary of the company or client for whom the marketing project is being created. It should include relevant information that may impact the project, such as the company's history, mission, and values.

When creating this section of the project brief, it's important to provide a clear understanding of the company or client's business. This includes the industry they operate in, their competitors, and any unique selling points or market differentiators. A thorough understanding of the company or client will enable the marketing team to develop an effective campaign that aligns with their business goals and objectives.

Additionally, the company or client overview should highlight any brand guidelines or requirements that must be followed. This includes visual identity elements, such as logos, color schemes, and typography, as well as tone of voice guidelines for copywriting.

Overall, the company or client overview sets the foundation for the marketing project and ensures that the team is aligned with the company's goals and objectives. By providing a detailed summary of the company or client, the marketing team can develop a campaign that resonates with the target audience and ultimately drives results for the company.

In marketing, diverse creative briefs like the graphic design project brief , audio brief , video brief, writing brief , and programming brief a play pivotal roles; for example, a graphic design brief ensures visual consistency across platforms in social media campaigns, an audio brief guides the auditory aspects in podcast promotions, a video brief directs visual storytelling in product launch videos, a writing brief outlines content strategies for blog posts, and a programming brief ensures seamless functionality in interactive websites, collectively serving as strategic tools to align creative outputs with marketing goals and enhance overall campaign effectiveness.

Goals and Objectives

In order to create an effective marketing campaign, it is essential to establish clear objectives and goals. The following objectives and goals should be considered when developing a project brief for a marketing project:

  • Define the Target Market: It is important to clearly identify the target market for the product or service being promoted. This includes demographic information such as age, gender, income level, and geographic location.
  • Determine the Marketing Mix: The marketing mix is a set of tools that a marketer uses to promote a product or service. The mix includes the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Objectives and goals should be established for each element of the marketing mix.
  • Develop a Branding Strategy: A branding strategy should be developed to create a unique name, image, and reputation for the product or service being promoted. Objectives and goals should be established for building brand awareness and recognition.
  • Conduct Market Research: Market research should be conducted to gather and analyze information about the target market. Objectives and goals should be established for the research, including the specific information that needs to be gathered and how it will be used.
  • Segment the Target Market: The target market should be segmented into smaller groups based on shared characteristics. Objectives and goals should be established for each segment, including how the marketing mix will be tailored to meet their specific needs.
  • Establish a Positioning Strategy: A positioning strategy should be developed to create a unique identity for the product or service in the minds of consumers. Objectives and goals should be established for building brand identity and differentiation.
  • Calculate Customer Lifetime Value: The customer lifetime value should be calculated to determine the total value of a customer to the business over the course of their lifetime. Objectives and goals should be established for increasing customer lifetime value through repeat purchases and referrals.
  • Create a Call to Action: A call to action should be included in the marketing campaign to encourage customers to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Objectives and goals should be established for the call to action, including the desired response rate.
  • Measure Conversion Rate: The conversion rate should be measured to determine the percentage of customers who take a desired action after clicking on a marketing message or advertisement. Objectives and goals should be established for the conversion rate, including the desired percentage.
  • Evaluate Return on Investment: The return on investment (ROI) should be evaluated to determine the effectiveness and profitability of the marketing campaign. Objectives and goals should be established for the ROI, including the desired ratio of revenue generated to cost of the campaign.

Define the Budget

The budget is an important consideration when planning a marketing project. The following information should be included in the project brief when defining the budget for a marketing project:

  • Total Budget: This includes the total amount of money allocated for the marketing campaign.
  • Budget Allocation: This includes how the total budget will be allocated across different marketing channels or tactics, such as advertising, PR, social media, or events.
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): This includes how much it costs to acquire a new customer, which is an important metric to track when evaluating the effectiveness of the marketing campaign.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): This includes the expected return on investment for the marketing campaign, which is calculated by comparing the total revenue generated from the campaign to the total cost of the campaign.

Types of Budget in Marketing

  • Fixed Budget: This is a budget where a fixed amount of money is allocated for the marketing campaign. Once the budget is set, it cannot be changed.
  • Flexible Budget: This is a budget where the amount of money allocated for the marketing campaign can be adjusted based on the performance of the campaign.
  • Incremental Budget: This is a budget where the marketing budget is increased gradually over time, based on the performance of the campaign.
  • Zero-Based Budget: This is a budgeting approach where the marketing budget is started from scratch each year, rather than being based on the previous year's budget. This approach requires a thorough analysis of the marketing needs and objectives of the company to determine the appropriate budget for the upcoming year.

By considering the budget in detail, marketers can determine the most effective allocation of resources to achieve the campaign goals within the available budget.

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Target Audience

One of the key components of a successful marketing campaign is identifying the target audience. The following information should be included when defining the target audience in a project brief for a marketing project:

  • Demographics: This includes basic demographic information such as age, gender, income level, and geographic location.
  • Psychographics: This includes information about the target audience's attitudes, values, and beliefs, as well as their interests and lifestyle habits.
  • Behavior: This includes information about the target audience's buying behavior, including purchasing frequency, decision-making process, and brand loyalty.
  • Pain Points: This includes identifying the pain points or challenges that the target audience faces, and how the product or service being promoted can address these challenges.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): This includes identifying the unique selling proposition of the product or service, and how it meets the needs and desires of the target audience.
  • Communication Preferences: This includes identifying the preferred communication channels of the target audience, such as social media, email, or direct mail.
  • Decision Makers: This includes identifying the key decision makers within the target audience, such as the person who makes the purchasing decision or the influencer who recommends the product or service.

By defining the target audience in detail, marketers can tailor their messaging and promotional activities to effectively reach and engage their intended audience. This can lead to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and ultimately, sales and revenue growth.

Steps to Find Your Target Audience

The buying process is in the hands of the customer, and marketers must create targeted, personalized experiences for people if they want to be the one to grab their attention among a sea of brands and advertisers. When marketers have a comprehensive understanding of their ideal buyer, they can make more informed decisions about media, messaging, and timing.

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Target Market: Examples and How To Define It

Understanding your target market is essential for creating an effective marketing plan. Consumers have many qualities that influence their purchasing decisions. By organizing these qualities into a target market, you can select the best strategy to appeal to your ideal customer. In this article, we discuss target markets and explore some examples from hypothetical businesses.

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In a marketing project, mandatories refer to the specific requirements or constraints that must be followed in order to achieve the desired outcome. These can be related to legal requirements, branding guidelines, or technical specifications. It is important to identify and communicate these mandatories clearly to all stakeholders in order to ensure that the project runs smoothly and meets its objectives.

Some examples of mandatories in a marketing project may include:

  • Branding guidelines: This may include specific guidelines for the use of the company logo, brand colors, fonts, and tone of voice.
  • Legal requirements: Certain industries or products may have specific legal requirements that must be followed in marketing materials, such as disclaimers or warning labels.
  • Technical specifications: Marketing materials may need to meet certain technical requirements, such as file size or resolution, in order to be displayed or printed correctly.
  • Budget constraints: The project may need to stay within a certain budget, which may impact the creative approach or media channels used.
  • Timeline: The project may have a specific timeline or deadline that must be adhered to in order to meet business objectives.

By clearly identifying and communicating these mandatories, the project team can ensure that the final deliverables meet the required standards and achieve the desired results.


Creating a successful entertainment website requires careful planning and execution across several key areas. Defining the goals and objectives, understanding the target audience, implementing an effective content strategy, and utilizing the right tools and technology are all critical components. By conducting thorough research, creating engaging content, optimizing for accessibility and performance, and continuously monitoring user analytics, entertainment websites can connect with fans across demographics and interests. As the digital landscape and consumer habits evolve, the entertainment industry must be nimble and innovative to develop online experiences that captivate and convert audiences. Companies that can leverage data and emerging platforms while putting users first will be best positioned to thrive in this competitive, high-velocity market. Though building a popular entertainment website presents challenges, the potential rewards for brands and creators make the effort worthwhile.

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Danylo Khorzhevskyi

Marketing and design

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