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How to Make Infographic: Example of How to Write Design Brief


Infographics that unquestionably hit the mark in terms of engagement and shareability have probably come across you. These articles are referred to as content home runs by marketers and creatives.
What are some ways to create infographics that can greatly improve your chances of creating material that resonates with your audience?
The reality is that these well-liked infographics were not created by chance. There is nearly always a thoughtful, creative brief behind every well-designed infographic.
Before we get started, it's important to note that graphical briefs are important for more than just marketing initiatives.
Anyone considering producing infographics, whether for work or education, should think about coming up with an infographic brief!

Infographic Design Project Brief

This template provides a structured format for outlining the key aspects of an infographic design project, including its goals, target audience, content, design preferences, technical requirements, and timeline.

Section Description
Project Name [Your project name]
Project Description [Brief description of the project goals and main purpose of the infographic]
Target Audience [Description of the target audience, including demographics and interests]
Content [Description of the content to be included in the infographic, including data points, statistics, or information to visualize]
Design Preferences [Description of the desired design style, including color scheme, layout, typography, and visual elements]
Technical Requirements
  • Software: [e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Canva]
  • File Format: [e.g., PNG, PDF]
  • Resolution: [e.g., 300 DPI for print]
Timeline [Proposed timeline for design concept, revisions, and finalization]
Delivery [Method of delivery for the final infographic, such as email, cloud storage, or file sharing platform]


Describe the objective that your infographic is supposed to help you attain.
Orienting inquiries:

  • What do you hope to accomplish with this infographic?
  • What action do you want readers of your infographic to take after reading or scanning it?
  • What does your infographic's title or headline say?

Target audiance

Identify and narrow down your target audience in your infographic brief. A vague understanding (or being too general) of who you’re designing the infographic for is one of the common mistakes when creating infographic briefs.
Basic demographics such as age and gender don’t help at all. Dig deep into the psychographics of your audience. What do they love, hate, or even ignore?

  • Who are these folks that your infographic is intended to reach?
  • How well do you understand the needs, wants, and priorities of your audience?
  • What preconceptions or biases does your audience hold that might influence whether they are open to or resistant to your message?


Give your readers the main point you wish to make clear by outlining it in a synopsis or bulleted summary. Tell the audience what you hope they will learn from your infographic.


  • What facts or figures are pertinent to your target audience and the goal of your infographic?
  • What would you say in the infographic if you just had a short time to speak with your audience?


Before considering the infographic's aesthetic component, consider and plan the content. Consider the running order or sequence of the content before creating the synopsis or summary. If you can, split them up into pieces.


  • Which media and content are appropriate for my audience?
  • Any rules for writing style, voice, or terminology that should be adhered to?
  • Is your content true to its source and accurate? Do you need footnotes?


If you have any examples for the designer to use as visual inspiration or if you have any other ideas, please share them.


  • What are the infographic's specifications (orientation, length, etc.)?
  • Which colors should the designer select, in your opinion? Any hues that ought to be avoided?
  • How much white space, grids, leading lines, etc. would you like?
  • Do you have any criteria or brand guidelines?
  • Do you wish to use any pre-existing graphics or charts, or is the design team free to create their own?
  • Do you have any examples of bad design to cite?

Nick Loggie

Marketing specialist

Digital Marketing Consultancy specializing in International B2B #contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #InfluencerMarketing #socialmediamarketing #globalmarketing

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