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How to Make Wrap Design Project: Guides Through Crafting Effective Wrap Design Project Brief


In the world of wrap design, the project brief plays a crucial role, defining the direction and nature of the project. The project brief is a document that provides detailed descriptions of the goals, tasks, expectations, and requirements of the project. In the context of wrap design, the project brief becomes the primary guide for designers and manufacturers, helping them create wraps that reflect the brand's ideas and values, attract consumers' attention, and align with the project's goals.

The importance of an effective wrap design project brief cannot be overstated. This document serves as a bridge between the idea and implementation, helping the project team clearly define tasks and understand the client's expectations. A well-crafted project brief contributes to a more efficient workflow, reduces the risk of misunderstandings and discrepancies, and facilitates a more accurate assessment of results.

It is important to note that in the world of wrap design, there are several main types, each with its own unique characteristics and features. Let's consider some of them.

Types of Wrap Design

Product Packaging:
This type of wrap design encompasses wraps for various products, including food items, cosmetics, household appliances, and more. The purpose of such wraps is not only to attract the attention of shoppers on store shelves but also to protect the product from damage and convey information about its characteristics and properties.

Gift Packaging:
Wrap design in this category is usually more creative and imaginative, as the goal is to create aesthetically appealing wraps for holiday gifts. Here, the design can be more playful, using bright colors and unique elements to create a festive mood.

Promotional Packaging:
In this category, wrap design is used to create temporary wraps that can be used as part of promotions or advertising campaigns. This may include wraps with company logos, special offers, or QR codes for discount activation.

Outdoor Advertising and Billboards:
Wrap design can also be used to create wraps on outdoor billboards and advertising boards. This type of wrap design requires special attention to detail and uses large formats to attract the attention of pedestrians and motorists.

Vehicle Wraps:
One of the most impressive types of wrap design is vehicle wraps. Here, designers have the opportunity to transform an ordinary vehicle into a true work of art, using various graphic elements, textures, and color combinations.

Each of these types of wrap design requires its own unique approach and creative solution to achieve the desired effect and convey the intended ideas and messages.

Wrap Design Project Brief Example

Section Description
Project Title: [Enter the title of the project here]
Project Overview: [Provide a brief overview of the project, including the purpose and scope of the wrap design initiative.]
Project Objectives: Primary:
[List specific objectives and goals of the project, such as refreshing branding, enhancing shelf appeal, or improving product visibility.]

[Identify any secondary target audiences that may influence or interact with the product packaging.]
Scope of Work: Research and Analysis:
[Outline tasks related to market research, competitor analysis, and consumer insights gathering.]

Concept Development:
[Detail activities associated with generating design concepts, including brainstorming sessions, mood boards, and initial sketches.]

Design Execution:
[Specify tasks related to finalizing artwork, selecting colors and fonts, and creating mock-ups or prototypes.]

Testing and Iteration:
[Describe steps for testing the proposed design with focus groups, conducting surveys, and incorporating feedback into revisions.]

Finalization and Delivery:
[List activities required to prepare design files for production, coordinate with suppliers, and oversee the implementation of the new wrap design.]
Technical Requirements:
  • Resolution: Ensure all design files are created at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch) to ensure high-quality printing.
  • Color Mode: Design files should be in CMYK color mode for accurate color reproduction during printing.
  • File Formats: Provide design files in formats compatible with industry-standard software, such as Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or Adobe Photoshop (.psd).
  • Bleed and Safety Margins: Include bleed areas and safety margins to prevent any important elements from being cut off during the printing process.
  • Sustainability Considerations: Incorporate eco-friendly materials and printing processes wherever possible to align with sustainability goals.
  • Compliance: Ensure the design complies with any relevant packaging regulations and standards in the target market.
Timeline: [Provide an estimated timeline for each phase of the project, including start and end dates for research, design development, testing, and finalization.]
Budget: [Specify the allocated budget for the project, broken down by expenses such as design fees, printing costs, and testing expenses.]
Stakeholders: [Identify key stakeholders involved in the project, including internal team members, external agencies, and suppliers.]
Approval: [State the approval process for the project brief, including who needs to review and sign off on the document before proceeding with design implementation.]
Additional Notes: [Include any additional instructions, requirements, or considerations specific to the project, such as brand guidelines, sustainability goals, or packaging regulations.]

Project Goals and Objectives

Project Goals:

The goal of the wrap design project is to create a unique and attractive wrapper that not only effectively represents the product or brand but also captures the attention of the target audience, emphasizes its unique characteristics and values, and contributes to its recognition and success in the market.

Expected Project Outcomes:

  • Effective Visual Identity: Creating a wrapper that clearly identifies the product or brand, distinguishing it from competitors in the market.
  • Appeal to the Target Audience: Developing a design that attracts attention and generates interest from potential consumers, reflecting their preferences and expectations.
  • Brand Recognition: Creating a wrapper that is recognizable and memorable, strengthening the brand's image and facilitating its dissemination.
  • Successful Market Implementation: Ensuring the successful launch of the product through an effective wrapper that meets market requirements and expectations.

Project Objectives:

  1. Analysis of Target Audience and Competitors: Conducting research to understand the preferences and needs of the target audience and to study the existing wrappers of competitors.
  2. Development of Concepts and Sketches: Creating multiple wrapper design options based on the gathered information and discussing them with the client to select the best option.
  3. Testing and Adjustments: Testing the selected wrapper design among representatives of the target audience and making necessary adjustments based on the feedback received.
  4. Final Implementation and Preparation for Production: Completing the development of the wrapper design in accordance with the approved option and preparing all necessary materials for its production and application.

Project Success Criteria

  1. Positive Reaction from Target Audience: One of the main success criteria is positive feedback from consumers. A successful wrap design should evoke positive emotions and interest in the product or brand.
  2. Increase in Sales and Brand Recognition: An effective wrapper should contribute to an increase in product sales and an improvement in brand recognition in the market.
  3. Adherence to Schedule and Budget: Meeting the project's set deadlines and budget is an important success criterion, ensuring its efficient completion and customer satisfaction.
  4. Alignment with Brand and Project Goals: The wrapper design should align with the brand's ideology and goals, as well as reflect its unique characteristics and values outlined in the project brief.
  5. Absence of Claims and Complaints: A successful wrap design should not trigger negative reactions from the client or consumers, meaning there are no claims or complaints regarding the quality or appearance of the wrapper.

The formulated goals, objectives, and success criteria of the project will ensure its effective implementation and achievement of the set goals, as well as satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Target Audience and Project Context

Analysis of Target Audience:

The target audience for the wrap design project encompasses a wide range of consumers who may be interested in the product or brand presented on the wrapper. The main categories of the audience may include:

  • Product Consumers: These are the people who will purchase and use the product featured on the wrapper. Their interests and preferences play a crucial role in designing the wrapper.
  • Brand's Target Audience: Depending on the brand's characteristics, the target audience may include specific groups of consumers with certain interests, lifestyles, or values.
  • Partners and Retail Networks: Successful wrap design should also consider the interests and requirements of partners and retail networks through which the product will be presented in the market.

Understanding the needs of the target audience is essential for creating a wrapper design that meets their expectations, captures attention, and stimulates product purchase.

Project Context Definition:

The project context for wrap design includes several key aspects that need to be considered when developing the wrapper:

  • Brand: This is the brand's identity and values that should be reflected in the wrapper design, including the logo, color scheme, fonts, and other brand-specific elements.
  • Product: The properties, characteristics, and features of the product that need to be highlighted on the wrapper to attract consumers' attention and convey information about it.
  • Market: Analysis of the competitive environment, current trends, and consumer preferences in the market where the product will be presented.
  • Competitors: Studying the wrappers of competing products or brands to determine their strengths and weaknesses and develop a unique and attractive wrapper design.

Understanding the project context allows for the creation of a wrapper that effectively stands out in the market and attracts the attention of the target audience.

Technical Requirements and Constraints

Description of Key Technical Parameters and Design Requirements:

  • Dimensions and Shape: The wrapper design must adhere to specific dimensions and shape of the product packaging. This includes considering the height, width, and depth of the packaging, as well as its shape, such as rectangular, circular, or other forms.
  • Resolution and Format: Graphic images for the wrapper must be high resolution to ensure sharpness and print quality. The required file format (e.g., PDF, AI, EPS) should also meet production requirements.
  • Color Scheme and Palette: The wrapper design should utilize a color scheme that aligns with the brand and product while ensuring good readability of text and contrast between elements.
  • Text and Fonts: Fonts used should be easily readable and match the brand's style and image. Textual information on the wrapper should be presented clearly and distinctly.
  • Use of Images and Logos: Logos and images must be provided in high quality and comply with copyrights and licenses for their use.

Consideration of Time, Budget, and Available Resources:

  • Time Constraints: Considering the dynamic nature of the market, the wrapper design development process should be efficient and completed within the project's timeline, meeting project requirements and competitive deadlines.
  • Budget Constraints: The development of the wrapper design should fit within the project's allocated budget, including payment for design services, procurement of necessary materials, and production costs.
  • Available Resources: It is essential to consider the availability and utilization of various resources, such as personnel, software, equipment, and printing materials. This will help optimize the development process and minimize time and cost expenditures.

Taking into account these technical requirements and constraints will help ensure the successful execution of the project and the creation of a quality and effective wrapper that meets the needs of the client and target audience.

Creative Approach and Brand Interpretation

Development of a Unique Concept and Creative Approach to Design:

  1. Brand Research: The first step is to study and analyze the brand, its history, values, mission, and target audience. This will help understand its unique characteristics and identify key elements to be embodied in the wrapper design.
  2. Idea Generation: Based on the gathered information, conduct an ideation session aimed at creating original and creative design concepts. Brainstorming techniques, sketching, and other creative methods can be used during this phase.
  3. Selection of the Best Concepts: After generating ideas, select several most promising and interesting concepts that best align with the brand and its goals.
  4. Detailing and Development: The selected concepts undergo detailed refinement and development. This includes creating sketches, color palettes, font selection, and other important design elements.

Interpretation of the Brand through Wrappers and Conveyance of its Values and Identity:

  • Use of Brand Elements: The wrapper design should include brand elements such as logos, color schemes, fonts, etc., that are recognizable and characteristic of the brand.
  • Reflection of Brand Values: Visual design elements should reflect the key values and principles of the brand. For example, if the brand emphasizes environmental responsibility, the wrapper design may use relevant imagery and symbolism.
  • Creation of Emotional Connection: The purpose of the wrapper design is to evoke an emotional response from consumers and create a connection between them and the brand. This can be achieved through the use of emotionally charged images, texts, or color schemes.
  • Uniqueness and Innovation: A good wrapper design should stand out among competitors and attract consumers' attention. This can be achieved through the use of innovative solutions, unconventional forms, or unusual materials.

Interpreting the brand through wrapper design is a key element of a successful marketing strategy and allows the brand to stand out in the market and establish an emotional connection with consumers.

Project Implementation Stages

  1. Research and Analysis:

    • Conduct market research and analyze current trends in packaging and design.
    • Study competitors and analyze their wrappers, identifying strengths and weaknesses.
    • Analyze the preferences and needs of the target audience, determining their expectations from the product and its packaging.
  2. Concept Development and Sketching:

    • Develop several wrapper design concepts based on the research findings.
    • Create sketches using graphic design software or manually to visualize the concepts.
    • Discuss various options with the client and choose the most promising concept.
  3. Testing and Adjustment:

    • Test the selected wrapper design concept among representatives of the target audience.
    • Collect feedback from consumers and analyze their reactions to the design.
    • Make necessary adjustments to the wrapper design based on the testing results.
  4. Finalization and Preparation for Production:

    • Finalize the wrapper design approval with the client based on the testing results.
    • Create a high-quality, print-ready file considering the production's technical requirements.
    • Prepare all necessary materials and documentation for handing over the project to production.

Each of these stages plays an important role in the development and implementation process of the wrapper design project. Sequential completion of these stages will help ensure the successful completion of the project and the creation of a high-quality and effective wrapper that meets the client's requirements and the expectations of the target audience.

Distribution and Promotion Strategy

Distribution Strategy Planning:

  • Choose distribution channels: Identify the main channels through which the wrapper will reach the end consumer. This may include retail stores, online marketplaces, advertising platforms, etc.
  • Collaborate with manufacturers: Establish partnerships with product manufacturers to ensure the availability of the wrapper on store shelves and other points of sale.
  • Optimize the delivery process: Develop an efficient system for delivering wrappers to points of sale or end consumers to ensure their availability and timely delivery.
  • Online presence: Utilize the internet for distributing wrappers through partner websites, social media platforms, online marketplaces, and other digital platforms.

Product Promotion through Packaging:

  • Use packaging as a marketing tool: The wrapper can be an effective means of promoting the product if it not only protects the item but also conveys key messages about the brand and its benefits.
  • Design focusing on consumer benefits: Create a wrapper design that clearly demonstrates the advantages and features of the product, attracting the consumer's attention and encouraging them to make a purchase.
  • Interactive elements: Incorporate interactive elements into the wrapper design, such as QR codes, contests, or promotions, which can attract attention and engage consumers in additional actions.
  • Create recognizability: Develop a unique and memorable wrapper design that helps the product stand out on store shelves and attract consumer attention even in conditions of strong competition.

Effective product promotion through packaging requires a comprehensive approach and careful planning to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts.


In conclusion, the project brief serves as a fundamental document in the world of wrap design, providing detailed guidance for designers and manufacturers to create wrappers that effectively represent brands, attract consumers' attention, and achieve project goals. Through the exploration of various types of wrap design, including product packaging, gift packaging, promotional packaging, outdoor advertising, and vehicle wraps, we understand the diverse nature of this field and the unique approaches required for each type.

The defined project goals, objectives, and success criteria set clear expectations for the project, ensuring alignment with the brand's identity, appeal to the target audience, and successful market implementation. By analyzing the target audience, project context, technical requirements, and constraints, designers can develop innovative and impactful wrapper designs that resonate with consumers and reflect the brand's values.

The project implementation stages provide a structured approach to executing the wrap design project, from research and analysis to distribution and promotion strategy planning. Each stage contributes to the development of a high-quality wrapper design that meets the client's requirements and achieves project objectives.

Incorporating a creative approach and interpreting the brand through wrapper design enables designers to create unique, memorable, and emotionally engaging designs that differentiate brands in the market and establish a strong connection with consumers.

Ultimately, an effective wrap design project brief lays the foundation for success, facilitating collaboration, reducing risks, and ensuring the delivery of wrapper designs that captivate audiences and drive brand recognition and success in the market.

Danylo Khorzhevskyi

Graphic designer

Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I am ready for interesting projects and conversations. Write me:

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