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How to Make Chatbot Project: Writing Project Brief with Essentional Details


In the modern world, where online presence plays a crucial role in business success, chatbots have become an integral part of the web strategy for many companies. Chatbots are software applications capable of automatically interacting with users through chat interfaces. They offer a range of significant advantages for both business owners and website users.

Explaining the Importance of Chatbots for Modern Websites

The importance of chatbots for modern websites cannot be underestimated. With each passing day, competition in the online space becomes more intense, and companies strive to ensure the most convenient and efficient interaction with potential and existing customers. Chatbots provide the opportunity for immediate user service in real-time, significantly increasing customer satisfaction and service levels.

Advantages of Using Chatbots for Business

Using chatbots brings several advantages for businesses:

  • Improved Customer Service: Chatbots are available 24/7 and can instantly respond to user inquiries, providing a high level of service at any time of day.
  • Automation of Routine Tasks: Chatbots can automate a variety of routine operations, such as order processing, user registration, and providing information about products or services.
  • Increased Conversion: Interacting with users through chatbots can increase conversion rates as they can quickly provide relevant information and assist users in decision-making.
  • Cost Reduction: Using chatbots can reduce customer service costs since many routine tasks can be automated.

Thus, chatbots are a powerful tool for optimizing customer interaction and improving overall business efficiency. In this article, we will discuss the basic steps of creating and configuring a chatbot for your website, as well as explore its advantages and possibilities.

Example of Project Brief for Chatbot

Section Description
Project Title Development and implementation of a chatbot for the website of the "XYZ" company.
Project Goals
  • Automation of customer service and improvement of user experience on the website.
  • Providing a quick and efficient solution to frequently asked questions from users.
  • Collecting feedback from users and analyzing requests to improve the company's services and products.
Target Audience Users of the "XYZ" website aged 18 to 45. Customers seeking information about the company's products and services, as well as support and assistance.
Functional Requirements
  • Welcome message and automatic response to user queries.
  • Processing requests about the company's products and services.
  • User registration for personalized support.
  • Integration with the company's CRM system to store data about customers and their requests.
  • Notifications about new promotions, offers, and company news.
  • Ability to collect feedback and survey users.
Technical Requirements
  • The chatbot must be developed using the Dialogflow platform from Google for natural language processing.
  • Integration with the "XYZ" website using JavaScript and API.
  • Data security: ensuring protection of users' confidential information.
Design and User Interface
  • The chatbot interface should be intuitive and easy to interact with.
  • Use of an attractive and modern design consistent with the company's corporate style.
Success Metrics
  • Increase in the number of queries processed by the chatbot compared to previous support methods.
  • Improvement in customer satisfaction, assessed through surveys and feedback.
  • Reduction in query processing time and improvement in customer service efficiency.
  • Project start: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Project completion: DD/MM/YYYY
Budget Total project budget: [Specify amount]

Preparing to Create a Chatbot

Before diving into the creation of a chatbot, it's essential to undergo some preparatory steps. This stage involves defining the objectives of the chatbot, analyzing the audience, and selecting the appropriate platform for its development.

Defining the Objectives of Your Chatbot:

Clear definition of your chatbot's objectives will help focus on what exactly you aim to achieve with its assistance. For instance, the objectives could include automating customer support, gathering user feedback, lead generation, or increasing conversion on your website.

Analysis of Your Audience:

Conduct an analysis of your target audience to understand the queries or issues they might have and how a chatbot can assist them. This may involve identifying typical questions users might ask and the types of tasks they may attempt to accomplish through your website.

Choosing a Platform for Chatbot Development:

Consider various tools and platforms for chatbot development, such as Dialogflow, Microsoft Bot Framework, Amazon Lex, Chatfuel, and others. Evaluate their capabilities, ease of use, integration possibilities, and pricing policies.

Decide whether you'll be creating the chatbot from scratch using programming and your own resources, or if you prefer to use ready-made tools that offer templates and interfaces for chatbot creation without programming.

The choice between creating from scratch and using ready-made tools depends on your needs, resources, and technical expertise. Ready-made tools can be a quick and straightforward solution for creating a basic chatbot, while building from scratch can provide greater flexibility and control over the chatbot's functionality and design.

Creating a Chatbot from Scratch:


  • Flexibility and Control: You have full control over every aspect of chatbot development, including its functionality, design, and integrations with other systems.
  • Uniqueness: You can create a unique chatbot that fully meets the needs of your business and audience, without the limitations of pre-built templates.
  • Scalability: You can easily expand your chatbot's functionality in the future by adding new features and integrations as needed.


  • Development Complexity: Creating a chatbot from scratch requires significant technical knowledge and programming experience, which can be challenging for non-professionals or small companies without an IT department.
  • Time and Resource Costs: Developing a chatbot from scratch can consume a lot of time and resources, especially if you encounter unexpected problems or difficulties during the development process.

Using Platforms and Tools:


  • Ease and Speed of Creation: Platforms and tools provide ready-made templates, intuitive interfaces, and tools for creating a chatbot without the need for programming. This allows you to quickly deploy a chatbot and start using it.
  • Lower Costs: Using ready-made platforms can reduce the costs of developing and maintaining a chatbot since there's no need to hire specialized developers or invest in development infrastructure.
  • Support and Updates: Platforms typically offer support and regular updates, making it easier to support and update your chatbot in the future.


  • Limited Flexibility: Using ready-made platforms may limit your flexibility in customizing and extending the functionality of the chatbot, especially if the platform provides a limited set of features and capabilities.
  • Dependency on Third-party Providers: You're entirely dependent on the platform provider, and if they encounter issues or change the terms of use, it can affect your chatbot.
  • Integration Limitations: Some platforms may restrict your ability to integrate the chatbot with other systems or services of your choice.

Creating a Chatbot

Registration and Setup of an Account on the Chosen Platform:

The first step is to select a suitable platform for creating your chatbot. This could be Dialogflow from Google, Microsoft Bot Framework, Amazon Lex, Chatfuel, or others.

After selecting the platform, you should register an account on it and perform the necessary setup. Typically, this process involves specifying the name and description of your chatbot, selecting the language, and configuring basic parameters.

Creating the Basic Structure of the Chatbot:

Defining the Welcome Message: Develop a welcome message that will be sent to users when they first interact with your chatbot. This message may include information on how the chatbot can assist, usage instructions, or other helpful details.

Defining Key Commands and Responses to Frequently Asked Questions: Determine a list of key commands and queries to which your chatbot should respond. Create appropriate responses for each command, including information about products or services, usage instructions, contact details, etc.

Integration of the Chatbot on Your Website:

Adding Code: If the chosen platform provides code generation capabilities, copy the generated chatbot code and paste it onto your website's page. This could involve embedding the code into HTML markup or linking the script via your website's content management system.

Using Integration Tools: Some platforms offer integration tools or plugins for various Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Shopify, and others. Utilize these tools to streamline the process of integrating the chatbot onto your website.

Configuring Chatbot Functionality

Additional Features and Capabilities:

Order Processing: Implement functionality that allows users to place orders directly through the chatbot. This may involve order formation based on user requests, clarification of order details, and order confirmation.

User Registration: Add a user registration function via the chatbot. This enables you to gather information about your customers and provide them with personalized service.

Providing Information about Products and Services: Implement the ability to provide information about your product or service, answers to frequently asked questions, product features, prices, etc.

Other Functions: Consider adding other functions that may be useful for your business, such as event scheduling, newsletter subscription, online consultations, etc.

Integration with External Services and Platforms:

CRM Systems: Integrate your chatbot with a CRM system to automatically store customer information, interaction history, and other data in the CRM.

Payment Gateways: Connect payment gateways to your chatbot so that users can make payments for goods or services directly through the chatbot.

Integration with Social Media: Implement the ability to log in via social media and post on social networks through the chatbot.

Integration with Other Services: Consider integrating with other services that may be useful for your business, such as email services, analytical platforms, content management systems, etc.

Testing and Debugging

Conducting Test Scenarios:

Create a Set of Test Scenarios: Develop a set of test scenarios covering various functions and capabilities of your chatbot. This may include testing the welcome message, basic commands, responses to frequently asked questions, order processing, user registration, and other features.

Test the Chatbot on Different Devices and Browsers: Test the chatbot's performance on various devices (computers, smartphones, tablets) and in different browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.). Ensure that the chatbot displays and functions correctly under all usage conditions.

Identifying and Fixing Errors:

Conduct Chatbot Testing: Conduct testing of the chatbot to identify any errors, incorrect responses, or unexpected behaviors.

Observe the Chatbot's Reaction: Pay attention to the chatbot's response to different requests and situations. Verify that the chatbot correctly handles not only standard scenarios but also non-standard or incorrect user queries.

Use Test Data: Utilize test data that simulates real-world situations to ensure that the chatbot operates reliably and efficiently.


After detecting errors and incorrect behavior:

  • Utilize debugging tools provided by the platform or software to identify the causes of errors.
  • Make necessary changes to the chatbot's code or settings to address the identified issues.
  • After making changes, retest the chatbot to ensure that the errors have been fixed and it operates correctly.

Implementation and Monitoring

Deploying the Chatbot on Your Website:

After successful testing of the chatbot and resolution of all identified errors, you can deploy it on your website.

Provide instructions or support to your web developer to integrate the chatbot onto your site. Typically, this involves embedding the chatbot code onto your website's page in the appropriate location.

Performance Monitoring:

Analysis of Usage Statistics: Utilize analytical tools provided by your chatbot to track key metrics such as session count, active users, most popular queries, etc. This will help you understand how users interact with your chatbot and identify potential improvements.

User Feedback: Actively collect feedback from users about the performance of the chatbot. This can be structured surveys or simply the option to leave comments or ask questions. Feedback will help you understand what is working well and what needs improvement.

Adjustment of Strategy: Based on the analysis of usage statistics and user feedback, regularly adjust the chatbot's strategy. This may include updating responses to frequently asked questions, adding new features, improving design, etc.

This stage is crucial for continuously improving and optimizing the performance of your chatbot to provide the best interaction experience for your users.


In this article, we have discussed the fundamental steps to create a chatbot for your website. The process of creating a chatbot begins with defining goals and analyzing your audience, followed by selecting a suitable platform for development and creating the basic structure of the chatbot. Then, you enhance the chatbot's functionality, integrate it into your website, and conduct testing and debugging.


We have discussed that successful chatbot development requires careful planning and the systematic execution of a series of steps. This includes not only technical development but also analyzing user needs, creating a useful and intuitive interface, and continuously monitoring and updating based on user feedback.

Development Perspectives:

There are numerous opportunities for improving and further developing your chatbot. This may include adding new features and capabilities, improving query processing algorithms, integrating with new external services and platforms, as well as optimizing performance and user interface. Additionally, it's important to continue tracking trends in the chatbot field and adapting your chatbot according to changing user needs and expectations.

Creating and maintaining a chatbot is an ongoing process, and with the right approach, it can become a powerful tool for improving interaction with your audience and achieving your business goals.

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