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How to Make Mobile App Project: Example of How to Write Brief with Essential Free and Paid Tools and Basic Questions

Overview of Mobile Application Project

In today's fast-paced digital world, mobile apps have become an essential part of our lives.

The mobile app programming project brief involves creating a new application for iOS and Android platforms that meets the needs of users in a specific market segment. The app will be a fitness app that allows users to track their progress and connect with others who share their fitness goals.

Mobile App Project Brief Example

This template provides a structured format for outlining the key aspects of a mobile app development project, including its goals, target audience, features, design preferences, technical requirements, and testing procedures.

Section Description
Project Name [Your project name]
Project Description [Brief description of the project goals and main functionality of the mobile app]
Target Audience [Description of the target audience, including demographics, preferences, and mobile platform(s)]
Features [Description of the key features and functionalities of the mobile app]
Design Preferences [Description of the desired design style, including color scheme, layout, and visual elements]
Technical Requirements
  • Platform: [e.g., iOS, Android]
  • Development Tools: [e.g., Xcode, Android Studio]
  • Programming Languages: [e.g., Swift, Kotlin]
Pages and Screens
  • Home
  • Login/Registration
  • Dashboard
  • Settings
  • Additional screens as needed
Additional Features
  • Push Notifications
  • In-App Purchases
  • Location-Based Services
  • Offline Functionality
Testing and Deployment
  • Testing: Functional testing, usability testing, compatibility testing.
  • Deployment: App Store submission (for iOS), Google Play Store submission (for Android).

Types of Work:

To create a successful mobile app, a variety of skills and expertise will be required. The following are some of the key types of work that will be involved in this project:

  • Project Management: The project manager will be responsible for overseeing the entire project and ensuring that it is completed on time and within budget. They will also need to coordinate with the development team and ensure that all tasks are completed on schedule.
  • Design: The app will need to have a visually appealing design that is both functional and user-friendly. This will require the skills of a graphic designer who can create a design that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.
  • Programming: The development team will need to have a strong understanding of programming languages such as Swift and Java. They will be responsible for coding the app and ensuring that it is bug-free and runs smoothly.
  • Data Analytics: The app will need to track user data to provide insights into user behavior and preferences. This will require the skills of a data analyst who can analyze data and provide actionable insights.


To ensure the success of the mobile app programming project, the following principals should be followed:

  • User-Centered Design: The app should be designed with the user in mind. This means that the design should be easy to use and intuitive, and that it should meet the needs of the target audience.
  • Agile Methodology: Agile methodology involves breaking down the project into smaller tasks and completing them in sprints. This approach allows for more flexibility and ensures that the project is completed on time and within budget.
  • Continuous Improvement: Once the app has been released, it is important to continue to monitor it and make improvements as needed. This can be done through user feedback and analytics data, which can help identify areas that need improvement.
  • Integration with Wearable Technology: With the growing popularity of wearable technology, it is important to ensure that the app can integrate with fitness trackers and other wearable devices to provide a seamless user experience.

In conclusion, the mobile app programming project brief involves creating a fitness app for iOS and Android platforms. By following the above principals and ensuring that the right team is in place, the mobile app programming project can be successful and meet the needs of its users.

Market Research

Market research is a crucial step in developing a successful mobile app programming brief. It helps to identify the target audience, competition, and trends in the industry. In this article, we'll explore the importance of market research for mobile app programming briefs and the steps involved in conducting it.

Importance of Market Research for Mobile App Programming Briefs:

Market research is essential for mobile app programming briefs because it helps to identify the target audience and understand their needs and preferences. By analyzing the competition, developers can learn from the successes and failures of similar apps in the market. This information can be used to develop a unique and valuable app that stands out from the competition. Additionally, market research can help identify trends in the industry, such as emerging technologies or changing user behavior, which can inform the development of new features or functionalities.

Steps Involved in Conducting Market Research for Mobile App Programming Briefs:

  • Identify the Target Audience: The first step in market research is to identify the target audience for the app. This includes their demographics, interests, and behaviors. This information can be gathered through surveys, focus groups, or social media analytics.
  • Analyze the Competition: The next step is to analyze the competition. This involves researching similar apps in the market and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. Developers can learn from the competition and identify areas where they can differentiate their app.
  • Identify User Needs and Preferences: Once the target audience and competition have been identified, the next step is to identify the user needs and preferences. This involves gathering feedback from potential users through surveys, focus groups, or user testing.
  • Research Emerging Technologies and Trends: Developers should also research emerging technologies and trends in the industry. This includes new hardware, software, or features that could be incorporated into the app.
  • Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions: The final step is to analyze the data collected and draw conclusions. Based on the insights gained through market research, developers can develop a clear understanding of the target audience, competition, user needs, and emerging trends. This information can be used to inform the development of the mobile app programming brief.

In conclusion, market research is a critical step in developing a successful mobile app programming brief. By conducting market research, developers can identify the target audience, competition, user needs and preferences, and emerging trends in the industry. This information can be used to create a unique and valuable app that meets the needs of its intended audience and stands out from the competition.

The Importance of Market Research Before You Get a Mobile App Developed

With the infusion and escalated use of technology, the mobile app market has grown by leaps and bounds, especially in the last decade. Further estimated researches show that the size of the mobile app market will reach $407.31 billion by the year 2026. Thus, if you have some trending app ideas then this is the best time to invest in mobile app development.

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How to Conduct Mobile App Market Research

Mobile app development is exciting. New entrepreneurs and established businesses alike are always eager to bring their app ideas to life. But before you rush into development, there are a few things you need to do first. Mobile app market research is arguably the most important step for any project. It helps validate your ideas and lays the foundation for every other stage of mobile app development. No matter what type of app you’re building, mobile app research cannot be overlooked. Continue below to learn more about mobile app research, the importance of market research, and the best market research strategies for mobile app development.

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Objectives and Goals

Programming a mobile application requires a clear set of objectives and goals to ensure that the project is completed successfully. Objectives are specific, measurable, and time-bound tasks that need to be accomplished to achieve the overall goals of the project. Goals are broader statements that outline the desired outcome of the project.

The objectives and goals of a mobile application project may vary depending on the project's scope and purpose. Some common objectives and goals include:

  • User Interface: Creating a user-friendly and intuitive interface to provide a seamless user experience that meets the needs of the target audience.
  • Bug-Free App: Developing a bug-free application to provide a reliable and stable experience for users.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimizing the app's performance to provide a fast and efficient application that meets the needs of users.
  • Data Security: Providing data security to ensure that user data is protected from unauthorized access or theft.
  • Meeting Deadlines: Completing the project on time and within budget to ensure that the app is released in a timely manner to meet the needs of users.

The difference between objectives and goals is that objectives are specific and measurable, while goals are broader statements of what the project aims to achieve. Objectives are the actionable steps that need to be taken to achieve the goals. In other words, goals define the destination, while objectives define the path to get there.

In conclusion, a mobile application project brief should include a clear set of objectives and goals. The objectives and goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound to ensure that the project is completed successfully. The examples mentioned above illustrate some of the common objectives and goals of mobile application development projects.

List of popular programs for setting goals and objectives:

User Persona

Developing user personas is an essential part of creating a successful mobile application. A user persona is a fictional representation of a user group that is based on research and data analysis. User personas help developers and designers understand the needs, preferences, and behaviors of their target audience. By developing user personas, developers can create an application that meets the needs of their target audience.

To develop user personas for a mobile application project, the project team should conduct research to gather data on the target audience. This research can include surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The data collected should be analyzed to identify common traits and characteristics among the target audience.

Once the data has been analyzed, the project team can create user personas that represent the target audience. User personas should include information on the user's demographics, behaviors, preferences, goals, and pain points. The user persona should be based on real data and should accurately reflect the target audience.

User personas can help the development team make informed decisions about the application's features, design, and functionality. By understanding the needs and preferences of the target audience, the development team can create an application that meets the needs of the users.

In conclusion, user personas are an important part of a mobile application project brief. They help the development team understand the needs and preferences of the target audience and make informed decisions about the application's features, design, and functionality. By creating user personas based on real data, the development team can create an application that meets the needs of the users and is more likely to be successful.

How to Create User Personas For Your App

User personas shape the foundation of user experience (UX) design. The practice of UX design hinges on the idea that frequently used and well-liked mobile apps are designed for people using empathy and known patterns of human-machine interaction.

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User Personas for Mobile Design and Development

The user persona is one of the most valuable tools in UX work. It allows the entire design and development team to keep a simple user story or user stories in mind as they work. This results in products that are better tailored to the user and thus more likely to succeed. Mobile product development can also benefit from user personas; it’s just important to ensure that you add a little more information to them to make them as effective as they can be.

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Mobile app Features

When creating a mobile app programming project brief, outlining the desired features of the application is essential. Features are the functionalities and capabilities that the application will offer to its users. These features should align with the objectives and goals of the project, as well as the needs and preferences of the target audience.

  • User registration and authentication: This feature allows users to create an account and log in to the application, providing a personalized experience and access to user-specific features.
  • Activity tracking: A fitness app could include features for tracking user activities, such as step count, distance walked, calories burned, and more.
  • Social sharing: Users can share their progress and achievements with their friends and followers on social media platforms, increasing engagement and motivation.
  • Push notifications: The application can send notifications to users about upcoming workouts, progress updates, and reminders to stay active.
  • Customizable workouts: The app can provide users with customized workout plans based on their fitness level, preferences, and goals.
  • In-app purchases: This feature allows users to purchase premium features, such as personalized coaching or advanced analytics.
  • Integration with wearables: The application can integrate with wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers, allowing users to track their progress seamlessly.
  • Social networking: Users can connect with other like-minded individuals who share similar fitness goals, providing a sense of community and motivation.

When defining the features for a mobile app programming project brief, it is important to prioritize and consider the most critical features for the application. This ensures that the development team can allocate resources efficiently and deliver the most value to the end-users.

Technical Requirements

When creating a mobile application project brief, it is essential to outline the technical requirements for the application. Technical requirements are the hardware and software specifications that are necessary for the application to function optimally.

  • Operating system compatibility: The application should be compatible with the most recent versions of iOS and Android.
  • Hardware compatibility: The application should be designed to run smoothly on a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets.
  • Screen resolution: The application should be designed to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Network connectivity: The application should be designed to work well with both Wi-Fi and cellular data networks.
  • Security: The application should be designed with robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Backend infrastructure: The application should be designed to work seamlessly with the backend infrastructure, including databases, APIs, and other systems.
  • Performance: The application should be designed to load quickly and respond to user actions in a timely manner.
  • Programming languages and frameworks: The development team should be proficient in the programming languages and frameworks necessary to build the application, such as Swift, Kotlin, and React Native.
  • Third-party libraries and tools: The application may require the use of third-party libraries and tools, such as Google Maps or Firebase, to provide additional functionality.

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By defining the technical requirements for a mobile application project brief, the development team can ensure that the application is designed to meet the needs of its users and function optimally on a variety of devices and networks.

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Nick Babich

Product designer

Twitter: 101babich
Product designer & editor-in-chief of UX Planet.

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