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How to Create Portal Website

Example of how to write project brief for portal website with essential free and paid tools and basic questions

Overview of Portal Websites

A web portal serves as a purposefully designed website that consolidates information from various sources, such as emails, forums, and search engines, into a cohesive and uniform interface. This unified presentation, often organized into dedicated sections or "portlets," allows users flexibility in configuring their displayed content. Portals take various forms, including mashups and intranet dashboards tailored for executives and managers.

The degree of uniformity in content display hinges on user intent, purpose, and the diverse nature of the content. Design emphasis frequently centers on a metaphorical approach, like dashboards or maps, using chosen implementation frameworks. The user's role within an organization influences content additions or removals from the portal configuration.

Types of Portal Websites

Portal websites come in various types, each serving a specific purpose and audience. Corporate portals facilitate internal communication and provide employees with access to organizational information. Government portals offer citizens public services, regulatory information, and official documents. Educational portals cater to students and educators, offering course materials, schedules, and communication tools. Healthcare portals provide access to medical records, health information, and appointment scheduling. News portals aggregate news articles and updates from various sources. Job portals connect job seekers with employers through listings and resume uploads. Real estate portals host property listings, news, and tools for buying or renting properties. E-commerce portals serve as online marketplaces for buying and selling products. Social media portals enable users to connect, share content, and engage with others. Travel portals offer travel-related information and booking services. Financial portals provide online banking, investment tools, and financial news. Community portals focus on specific interest groups, fostering connection and collaboration. Sports portals aggregate sports news, scores, and schedules. Weather portals offer forecasts and maps. Legal portals provide legal information, documents, and professional directories. Each type caters to specific needs, creating a diverse landscape of portal websites.

Portals may leverage search engine APIs, limiting searches to intranet content and domains. Beyond typical search functionality, web portals often extend services such as email, news, stock quotes, database information, and entertainment content. They enable enterprises to maintain a consistent "look and feel," integrating access control and procedures for multiple applications and databases that would otherwise exist as separate entities. Feature accessibility depends on user authorization, differentiating between authenticated users (employees, members) and anonymous visitors. Discover how to create a powerful portal website, seamlessly integrating diverse content for enhanced user experi

Example of Project Brief: Marketing Portal Website

Client Information
  • Client Name: XYZ Marketing Solutions
  • Contact Person: Jane Smith
  • Contact Information:, +123-456-7890
  • Company Profile: XYZ Marketing Solutions is a digital marketing agency specializing in online advertising, social media management, and content creation.
Project Overview XYZ Marketing Solutions intends to develop a marketing portal website to streamline client communication, provide access to marketing resources, and showcase their portfolio of work.
Key Objectives
  1. Improve client communication and collaboration.
  2. Centralize access to marketing resources and tools.
  3. Showcase the agency's portfolio and services.
Target Audience Existing and potential clients of XYZ Marketing Solutions seeking marketing services and information.
Development Approach Utilizing a combination of custom-built components and existing CMS platforms to create a tailored solution for XYZ Marketing Solutions.
Project Timeline To be discussed and finalized in collaboration with the client. Expected duration: 3-4 months.
Technical Specifications
  • Platform: Custom-built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
  • Database: MySQL for data storage and management.
  • Hosting: Dedicated server to ensure scalability and performance.
  • Security: Implementation of SSL encryption, secure login mechanisms, and regular security audits.
  • SEO: Optimization for search engines to improve visibility and rankings.
  • Client dashboard for real-time project updates and communication.
  • Resource library with guides, templates, and case studies.
  • Portfolio showcase with client testimonials and project highlights.
  • Integrated project management tools for task assignments and progress tracking.
  • Live chat support for immediate assistance and inquiries.
Revenue Strategy Subscription-based model offering tiered packages with varying levels of access to premium features and support.
Project Management Tools Utilization of for project tracking, task management, and collaboration among team members.
Budget Estimated budget: $50,000 - $70,000. Subject to change based on additional requirements and scope adjustments.

Creating a Portal Website from Scratch:

Pros and Cons


Individuality and Uniqueness:

Creating from scratch allows full customization of every aspect of the portal to meet unique project requirements and goals.

Flexibility and Scalability:

You have complete control over functionality, providing flexibility for integrating new features and scalability as the project grows.


Time and Resources:

Building from scratch requires more time and resources, especially if lacking experience in web development.

Technical Implementation Complexity:

Developing a custom portal demands deep technical understanding, posing a challenge for beginners.

Defining Goals and Functionality:

Start by defining the goals of your portal and the functionality you want to provide to users. Consider the unique needs of your audience.

Choosing Technologies and Tools:

Select suitable technologies and tools for development. Decide whether you will use specific programming languages, frameworks, or CMS.

Designing Interface and Functionality:

Develop a layout and design for the interface, focusing on user-friendliness and effective information display. Determine portlets and sections for various types of content.

Development and Integration:

Begin development by creating functional modules and integrating them into a unified portal structure. Ensure the ability to customize user content.


Conduct testing of functionality and compatibility on various devices and browsers. Resolve potential issues before launch.


Deploy the portal on the chosen hosting or server. Ensure stability and security of the deployment.

Optimization and Development:

Optimize performance and continue developing the portal, adding new content and features based on user feedback.

Relative briefs

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Using a Ready-Made Template:

Pros and Cons


Time and Resource Savings:

Ready-made templates offer a quick start, reducing development time and costs.

Professional Design:

Templates are usually crafted by professionals, ensuring high-quality and aesthetic design.


Limited Uniqueness:

Using a template may limit the uniqueness of your portal, as it can be utilized by many other projects.

Limited Flexibility:

You may face restrictions in modifying functionality as templates provide a predefined set of features.

Selection and Adaptation:

Choose a template that aligns with your portal's theme. Then, adapt it by making necessary changes to the design and functionality to reflect the unique features of your project.

Content Configuration:

Add your content, including articles, project documents, and information about tools. Ready-made templates often provide convenient tools for organizing content.

Testing and Launch:

Conduct testing, ensuring correctness of display and functionality. Then launch your portal, ready to attract an audience.

Updates and Support:

Regularly update content and maintain information relevance. If necessary, make changes to the template to enhance the user experience.

Types Portal Websites

Portal websites come in various types, each serving a specific purpose and audience. Corporate portals facilitate internal communication and provide employees with access to organizational information. Government portals offer citizens public services, regulatory information, and official documents. Educational portals cater to students and educators, offering course materials, schedules, and communication tools. Healthcare portals provide access to medical records, health information, and appointment scheduling. News portals aggregate news articles and updates from various sources. Job portals connect job seekers with employers through listings and resume uploads. Real estate portals host property listings, news, and tools for buying or renting properties. E-commerce portals serve as online marketplaces for buying and selling products. Social media portals enable users to connect, share content, and engage with others. Travel portals offer travel-related information and booking services. Financial portals provide online banking, investment tools, and financial news. Community portals focus on specific interest groups, fostering connection and collaboration. Sports portals aggregate sports news, scores, and schedules. Weather portals offer forecasts and maps. Legal portals provide legal information, documents, and professional directories. Each type caters to specific needs, creating a diverse landscape of portal websites.

When starting a portal website development project, it is essential to provide the developer with the following information for a successful start and efficient work:

Goals and Purpose:

  • Describe the main goals and objectives of the portal.
  • Specify the target audience and the problems the site should address.

Functional Requirements:

  • Specify the necessary functions and features of the portal.
  • Determine the sections and portlets that should be on the site.

Design and UX Expectations:

  • Provide preferences for design and user experience.
  • Specify the color palette, page structure, and other details to align with your brand.

Technological Preferences:

  • Clarify preferred technologies, programming languages, and frameworks (if any).
  • Specify hosting and security requirements.

Content and Structure:

  • Convey the overall concept of the site's structure and content.
  • Specify the types of content to be posted (articles, images, videos, etc.).

Integrations and API:

  • If integration with other systems or the use of third-party APIs is needed, indicate these requirements.
  • Coordinate integration with third-party services if planned.

Budget and Timelines:

  • Specify the project budget and desired completion timelines.
  • Discuss possible development stages and their prioritization.

Expected Results:

  • Determine the expected results upon project completion.
  • Specify the metrics to be used for measuring success.

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Revenue Strategy for Portal Websites

Portal websites employ various revenue strategies to sustain their operations and offer valuable services to users. Common revenue streams include premium content subscriptions, merchandise sales, targeted advertising, membership programs, and affiliate marketing. By diversifying income sources, portal websites can optimize their financial potential while providing meaningful resources to their user base. Each type of portal, such as job portals, educational portals, or e-commerce portals, may tailor its revenue strategy to align with its specific audience and content offerings.

Example for Job Portal Website:

A job portal website can implement a revenue strategy by offering premium features to job seekers and employers through a subscription model. Job seekers may opt for premium memberships that provide enhanced visibility to their profiles, access to exclusive job listings, and personalized career guidance. Employers, on the other hand, can subscribe to premium packages offering advanced recruitment tools, featured job postings, and targeted advertising to reach a larger pool of qualified candidates. Additionally, the job portal can explore affiliate marketing partnerships with career development services or offer premium resume-building tools and interview preparation courses, creating additional revenue streams while delivering added value to users.

Objectives and Goals

Programming a portal website involves setting clear objectives and goals that guide the development process. Objectives and goals are critical to ensuring that the website meets the needs of its intended audience and achieves the desired outcomes. In this article, we'll explore the importance of objectives and goals in programming a portal website, the types of work involved in achieving those objectives and goals, and the essential principles for successful portal website development.

Objectives are the overarching aims of the portal website project. They outline what the website is intended to achieve and provide a clear direction for the development process. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Examples of objectives for a portal website might include increasing website traffic, improving user engagement, or generating leads for a business.

Goals, on the other hand, are specific outcomes that support the overall objectives. Goals provide a more detailed roadmap for achieving the objectives and help to ensure that the development process stays on track. Goals should also be SMART and should be aligned with the overall objectives. Examples of goals for a portal website might include improving website navigation, creating engaging content, or optimizing the website for search engines.

To achieve the objectives and goals of a portal website, several types of work are typically involved. These include:

  • Design: This involves creating a visual representation of the website's layout, structure, and content.
  • Development: This involves coding the website and ensuring that it functions correctly on different devices and browsers.
  • Content creation: This involves creating and optimizing the website's content, including text, images, and videos.
  • Testing: This involves testing the website's functionality, usability, and performance to ensure that it meets the objectives and goals.
  • Maintenance: This involves ongoing updates, bug fixes, and enhancements to ensure that the website remains relevant and effective over time.

To ensure that the programming of a portal website is successful, it's essential to follow these principles:

  • User-centered design: The website should be designed with the user in mind, and their needs and preferences should be at the forefront of the development process.
  • Accessibility: The website should be accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): The website should be optimized for search engines to ensure that it appears in relevant search results.
  • How to write SEO brief
  • Mobile responsiveness: The website should be designed to function correctly on different devices and screen sizes, including smartphones and tablets.
  • Performance: The website should load quickly and function smoothly to ensure a positive user experience.

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Scope and Features


The scope of the website defines the boundaries of the project and what it aims to accomplish. It is important to clearly define the scope of the website to ensure that the project stays on track and meets its objectives. The scope of the website should be aligned with the overall objectives and goals of the project. This section of the project brief should also include any limitations or constraints that may impact the development or deployment of the website.


The features of the website refer to the functionalities that will be included in the website. It is important to list the key features that will be included in the website and to provide a brief description of each feature. The features should be aligned with the objectives and goals of the website and should be designed to meet the needs of the target audience. Here are some examples of key features that may be included in a portal website:

  • User registration and login: This feature will allow users to create accounts and log in to the website. It may also include the ability for users to reset their passwords or update their account information.
  • Dashboard: A dashboard is a centralized location that provides users with access to key information and functionalities. The dashboard may include features such as search, notifications, messaging, and other tools that help users find the information they need quickly and easily.
  • Content management system (CMS): A CMS is a tool that allows users to create, edit, and publish content on the website. This feature is essential for portal websites that rely on user-generated content.
  • How to make CMS project
  • Search functionality: Search functionality allows users to find the information they need quickly and easily. This feature may include advanced search options such as filters and categories.
  • Social media integration: Social media integration allows users to share content from the website on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This feature can help increase the reach and visibility of the website.
  • Mobile optimization: Mobile optimization is essential for websites that are accessed on mobile devices. The website should be designed to be responsive and optimized for different screen sizes and resolutions.

These are just a few examples of the features that may be included in a portal website. It is important to consider the needs of the target audience and the objectives of the project when determining the features that will be included in the website. By providing a clear description of each feature and how it will benefit the target audience, the project brief can help ensure that the website is designed to meet the needs of its users.

Technical Specification

In addition to defining the scope and features of the website, it is important to outline the technical specifications of the project. This section of the project brief should detail the technical requirements of the website, including information on the platform, programming languages, and hosting requirements. It should also address any security or performance requirements.

  • Platform: The platform for the website should be selected based on the needs of the project and the target audience. Some common platforms for portal websites include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. The selected platform should be scalable, secure, and easy to use.
  • Programming Languages: The programming languages used to develop the website will depend on the platform selected. For example, if WordPress is chosen as the platform, then the website will be developed using PHP, HTML, and CSS. If Drupal is chosen, then the website will be developed using PHP, HTML, and CSS. The programming languages used should be well-documented and well-supported to ensure that the website is maintainable in the long-term.
  • Hosting Requirements: The hosting requirements for the website will depend on the size and complexity of the website, as well as the expected traffic. A shared hosting plan may be sufficient for smaller websites, but larger websites may require a dedicated server or cloud hosting. The hosting provider should be selected based on the needs of the project and the budget.
  • Security: Security is a critical aspect of any website, especially portal websites that may contain sensitive information. The project brief should outline the security requirements for the website, including measures such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular backups. The website should be tested for vulnerabilities and security flaws to ensure that it is secure and protected from hacking and data breaches.
  • Performance: Performance is another important consideration for the website, as slow-loading pages can frustrate users and lead to high bounce rates. The project brief should outline the performance requirements for the website, including measures such as caching, optimization, and CDN integration. The website should be tested for performance issues and optimized to ensure that it loads quickly and efficiently for all users.

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Project Timeline for Portal Website

In addition to defining the scope, features, and technical specifications of the website, it is important to create a project timeline. The timeline should be broken down into phases or milestones and should include deadlines for each phase.

  • Phase 1: Planning and Design
  • The planning and design phase is where the overall vision for the website is established. This includes creating wireframes and mockups, developing the site map and content strategy, and choosing the design direction.

  • Phase 2: Development and Testing
  • Once the planning and design phase is complete, the development and testing phase can begin. This phase involves building the website using the chosen platform and programming languages, integrating any necessary third-party tools or plugins, and testing the website for bugs and errors.

  • Phase 3: Content Creation and Integration
  • The content creation and integration phase involves creating and adding content to the website, including text, images, and multimedia. This phase also includes optimizing content for search engines and integrating social media and other marketing tools.

  • Phase 4: Launch and Maintenance
  • The final phase of the project is the launch and maintenance phase. This involves launching the website and monitoring its performance, as well as making any necessary updates or maintenance tasks.

By creating a project timeline with clear phases and deadlines, the development team can ensure that the project stays on track and meets its objectives. It also helps to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the project timeline and can provide input and feedback at appropriate times throughout the development process.


In conclusion, the creation of a portal website involves a strategic approach, clear objectives, and thoughtful planning. Understanding the diverse types of portal websites, ranging from corporate and government portals to educational and job portals, highlights the versatility of this digital platform. The development process, whether from scratch or using ready-made templates, requires a careful balance of customization and user-centric design.

The portal development journey encompasses defining goals, choosing appropriate technologies, designing an intuitive interface, rigorous testing, deployment, and continuous optimization. The choice between creating a website from scratch and using ready-made templates comes with its own set of pros and cons, allowing flexibility based on project requirements and resource constraints.

Moreover, successful portal website development relies on establishing clear project scope and features, outlining technical specifications, and creating a well-defined project timeline. By incorporating user-centered design, accessibility, SEO practices, mobile responsiveness, and performance optimization, developers can ensure a positive user experience and overall success.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, portal websites remain valuable tools for consolidating information, connecting communities, and delivering content efficiently. Whether it's providing internal communication for a corporation, connecting job seekers with employers, or offering educational resources, the portal website serves as a dynamic platform catering to diverse needs.

The example project brief outlines the essential information needed for a successful start in developing a portal website, including goals, functional requirements, design expectations, technological preferences, content structure, and integration details. By providing this comprehensive information, developers can align their efforts with the client's vision, ensuring a more efficient and successful development process.

In essence, the world of portal website development is dynamic and expansive, offering endless possibilities for customization and innovation. As technology advances and user expectations evolve, staying informed about the latest trends and best practices becomes crucial for creating portal websites that stand out and deliver exceptional value to their users.

Nick Babich

Product designer

Twitter: 101babich
Product designer & editor-in-chief of UX Planet.

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